

I have been taking photographs since childhood and had my first acceptance at an international exhibition at the age of 14.

After a long hiatus to study and raise a family I returned to photography some 15 years ago and have exhibited extensively since.

My photographs represent my personal visualisation. They are my representation of the outside world filtered through my own perception.

My images skim the edge of reality and imagination. All are spontaneous and reflect my mood at the moment of creation, they belong to the ephemeral instant.


Email | hanan@baradon.net

Website | baradon.uk


The unique style of Laura De Benedetti has captivated lovers of ceramic art all over the world. Her flowing, free-spirited forms, hand-thrown in porcelain, are both informal and resilient, soft in shape but crystalline hard in use. Their unique glazes glow with the colours of the Mediterranean, radiating warmth and depth. Laura’s pots are to be admired and displayed, and also to be used every day. Each piece awaits food and drink, enriching your table and your home.


I have no discipline and no preferences. I am guided purely by my vision and emotions.

My images are my experiences, they may be transitory but are meaningful to me at that moment.

My photographs are my feelings and I try to process and present them to convey my impression to the viewer. They are intensely personal.

In a period when so much ceramic art is abstract and conceptual, Laura has focused her art on the useful, practical objects that accompany us in our daily lives. She believes that pots are meaningful when they are put to use, so that their decorative and artistic qualities illuminate and accompany us, making the routine a little special. Bowls, plates, cups, mugs, jugs and teapots fulfill their functions, each similar, none the same.