Pat Marvell

About Pat

I trained as a teacher with art as my main subject. After a career in education and public sector consultancy I returned to college where I took diplomas in glass. My world changed immediately as I became fascinated with both the art and the science of working with this wonderful material.  As a lover learning, glass provides the opportunity to constantly push the boundaries of what I can achieve. I also loves ‘breaking the rules’ and asking ‘what would happen if...?’. The results can be fascinating, but disasters help me learn just as much as successes!

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Tel | 07985 413 276

My Work

Glass is a medium which offers infinite opportunities, and is fascinating to work with. The raw material is available in numerous forms, but I mainly work with sheets and billets (blocks). Taking inspiration from nature (frequently the Cornish landscape), I model forms in clay, wax or ice, sometimes using texture taken directly from natural materials.  From these I make moulds, then cast the glass in the kiln. The final stage is to refine the shape and polish the work, usually to achieve a highly reflective surface which is the window into the piece. 


  • The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle
  • Burgh House Hampstead
  • Thrown Gallery, Highgate.
  • Thrown pop-up Gallery, Cornwall
  • The Barbican Centre, London.
  • Herts County Museum, Aylesbury,
  • Stoke Newington Library
  • East Finchley Open Artists
  • The Framer's Gallery, London
  • Espacio Gallery, London
  • The British Glass Biennale (Winner, The People's Prize)
  • The Arts Depot Open, London
  • Cupola Gallery, Sheffield
  • Original Gallery, London
  • The Mall Gallery, London

Other Artists


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Playing with Textures

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Blue spray2

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