Natalie Baskin

About Natalie

I started working with glass 10 years ago.   I had experimented over many years in various artistic medium but discovered exciting, varied & creative opportunities using glass.    Glass colour choices are endless and with the introduction of reactive and alchemy techniques, results at the end of a firing can be both unexpected and exciting.

I describe myself as an experimental expressionist glass artist, each individual colourful item is crafted utilising various glass techniques: fusion, casting, painting and  slumping.   

My Work

Every glass piece I design is unique.   I start creating with sheet glass, ground glass called frit, spaghetti glass called stringers, glass paint, metal foils and various other compatible mediums.  Every piece is formed in a kiln designed for glass artists.   The temperature required to form glass items reaches up to 850 degrees centigrade, and sometimes higher depending on what is being formed.

My glass creations can be stand alone display pieces, wall art, fruit bowls, cheese boards, cold food serving, coasters etc. I also recreate portraits and scenes from photographs into glass personal memories.

I have a studio and kiln room at the end of my garden and happily take commissions to clients specification.

Other Artists


Ann Froomberg

Ann creates unique hand painted silks and fused glass pieces and jewellery, inspired by her love of colour. She also paints watercolours.

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Blue spray2

Myra Lawson

Myra's photography and glass is constantly changing in character and reflects what she sees around her.

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Kate Pasvol smallSnowdonia book

Kate Pasvol

Kate Pasvol works in fused and kiln cast glass creating three dimensional forms that reference landscape and the natural world.

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Playing with Textures

Clara Hancock

Clara is an artist drawing and painting on silk, sculpting in stone, wood and clay and fusing glass.

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The beauty of age standing stones

Pat Marvell

Glass is the medium through which Pat celebrates the beauty of the natural world using the processes of fusing, casting and occasionally engraving.

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